Jun 21, 2022Liked by Julian Summerhayes

Some thoughts sparked by your post:

I hadn't come across Stephen Jenkinson before - thanks for that mention. Lots to dive into there.

I talk about endings in the Essence Map, as in those pivotal moments that arise from loss, love and life, and change. For me, they're all precursors to the ultimate ending. I think they're designed to prepare us, and peel back the layers to the truth of who we are. I can only speculate but my version of death is the peeling back of all the layers so that we really see who we are, at a soul level. That's what I see as 'living up to our potential, being all we can be', too.

“Here is a test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: If you´re alive it isn't.”

― Richard Bach

In my personal experiences of death, conventional medicine focuses on quantity rather than quality of life. I think this approach has skewed our ideas about the meaning of life.

There's this too: The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time. Mark Twain

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