There is only “this”.
Namely, if you stop running long enough to catch your eternal breath, you’ll realise that everything happens just as it is.
Of course, to the discreet mind (i.e. something in our gift) that doesn’t cut it.
There’s willpower, determination, free will and choice, happiness and grace; and they’re there to do our apparent bidding.
Are they?
To whom?
Or what?
Just a part of you, or all of you?
What I’m adverting to (i.e. no separate self) has been spoken to and about for aeons but that doesn’t make it any easier to comprehend.
And to the “me” or “I” who wants to control everything, it has a hard time grasping something so ephemeral.
In my world, I sit with two daily incantations:
The Heart Sutra (I like the translation by Red Pine);
This quote by Dōgen:
“Life and death are of supreme importance. Time swiftly passes by and opportunity is lost. Each of us should strive to awaken. Awaken! Take heed, do not squander your life.”
In fact, as someone who has recently returned to a daily practice of silent meditation, as well as counting my breath, I also weave into the mix either or both of the above.
Are they supposed to do something?
Who knows but they serve as a useful reminded about (a) the mystery of life and (b) the limited time we’ve left — and my life appears to be racing faster and faster right now and I decry the fact that so much of it has been riven with the dread and despair about doing meaningless, repetitive work.
Like all things, that won’t be forever.
Onwards dear travellers of the Substack world.
Thank you for stopping by.
With kindness,