Julian Summerhayes
Julian's monologue
A change of routine

A change of routine

yellow and white bokeh lights
Photo by am JD on Unsplash

Don’t ask me why — the thought hit me at around 5 am this morning — but I’ve decided to upend my daily ritual. You know, the one that starts at stupid o’clock and sees me trying to write something on Substack and share a few thoughts online.

Instead, I’ve decided to do my social media stuff in the evenings; the rest of the day (i.e. 6 am to 6 pm) will be taken up with work (law), writing (poetry/my book) and reading.

I’ve recorded a few thoughts on why this might help me in getting and becoming more creative. In the mix is the fact that I’m not sleeping very well and have started drinking one too many glasses of the vino.

Have a wonderful day.

Take care.


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Julian Summerhayes
Julian's monologue
It is wisdom which is seeking for wisdom.
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Julian Summerhayes